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Ikigai Group

Ikigai Group

The Ikigai Group is our Year 14 Post 16 class.  Ikigai is the Japanese word for finding a purpose or pathway. The learning focus for Ikigai students is preparing for future destinations, looking at the range of options available on leaving school and planning transition into post school provision.  Students continue to develop their self-advocacy skills to support them in this process.

Students work with community partners to develop personal transition plans.  They work closely with Connexions and other professionals to achieve this.  Students produce their individual PowerPoint presentation and contributions for their final Annual Review at Harding House.  Students also set personal targets and evaluate their progress.

Learning programmes have an increased emphasis on work related learning, accessing the community, travel training, making personal choices and decisions and maximising independence.  Students continue to develop Functional Skills in Communication, Numeracy and ICT, as well as a range of vocational skills.  Students’ work is accredited and certificated by OCR as part of the Entry Level ‘Life and Living Skills’ course.

Students complete very successful work experience placements in the local community.  Currently there are 5 Year 14 students in the Ikigai Class.